
In maths, children will be moved around their class on a daily basis.  If you have a question about maths, please direct these to your child's maths teacher who will be happy to help. 

During the Autumn term, we will be learning about the following: Roman Numerals, Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Measurement, Multiplication and Division. 

Maths homework will be set on a weekly basis and will either be a written homework or computer based timestables.  If you have any difficulty accessing the internet, please notify your child's maths teacher and we will organise computer access for them within school.  Homework is handed out to the children every Friday and is due in on the following Wednesday. 

Times Tables

In preparation for the Year 4 statutory timestables check (Summer 2023), please continue to practise these at home with your child as they need to be able to recall these rapidly. You can use Times Table Rockstars to practise.


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Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe