Essential Information
Below is a list of essential information that you may find helpful:
Line-up in the morning: Please prepare your child with all their things in the morning, ready to walk in at the gate. Big cuddles before they leave you for the day!
Equipment and activities in Foundation: The school does not allow children to play on any playground equipment before or after school. Also please do not allow children to play with the activities under the covered area as these learning areas will be set-up ready for our school day.
Lunchboxes: Their lunchboxes should be clearly labelled on the outside.
School Lunches: Children are offered a daily hot choice of school meal or can alternatively choose lunch from the sub bar. The chidren order their lunches independently each morning, you can help by chatting about the menu and helping your child to decide what they would like to eat before the school day. A copy of the menu is avalable from the school office and is displayed in the kitchen window for your reference.
Milk: Once your child turns five, they will no longer receive free milk. The cost is £1 per week. Please make payment via the School Comms gateway app
Water bottles: Please make sure that your child has a named water bottle with them every day. This should only contain water.
Bookbags: Please ensure that your child has their clearly named bookbag (these can purchased from the office) with them every day.
- Jumpers, Cardigans and Coats: Please ensure that all of your child’s clothing is clearly named.
- Change to adult collecting your child: If there is a change to the adult who will be collecting your child at the end of the day then it is essential that you let the class teacher, teaching assistant or school office know. This is for your child’s safety. If we are not informed, we will be unable to let your child leave school.
Collecting at the end of the day: please come into the playground and line up either side of the oak tree for your child's class and the teacher to see them out one at a time.
Newsletter: Each week your child will be sent a school newsletter. These important documents will share whole school news and provide information on learning in class.
Stay and Play: Parents, carers and extended family will be invited to regular ‘Stay and Play’ sessions. This is a half an hour session that allows you to come into your child’s class to share in activities that they do in school. These sessions will not commence for several weeks until we feel that all the children are fully settled in Reception. We will let you know dates of sessions in advance.