Mental Wellbeing
Top tips for positive mental health and well-being
1) Make some time to do a fun and relaxing activity that you enjoy, every day.
Some Gainsborough children have told us that they like to do: drawing dragons, gardening and planting flowers with Mrs Webster, doing sports outside with Miss Jones, colouring in at lunch time, playing on devices, chilling in the ELSA room, going for walks with my family.
2) Talking.
Gainsborough children know that there is always an adult in school with a listening ear. Talking about our worries, usually makes us feel a little lighter.
3) Self help.
Think about healthy diet, regular excercise, sticking to daily routines.
4) Research.
We would advise parents to do their own research about mental health and well-being at the first signs of concerns:
Live Well: a list of services in Cheshire East
NSPCC is the UK's leading children's charity, preventing abuse and helping those affected to recover.
My Mind: NHS website run by CWP CAMHS. This site has been developed for everyone interested in the mental health and well being of young people.
Charlie Waller Memorial Trust: a good source of information around anxiety and depression.
Childline has some brilliant relaxing games and mindfulness activities for children.
If parents have ongoing worries about their child's mental health and well-being, please speak to your child's class teacher.
Alternatively, Miss Marshall or Mrs Appleby are our Mental Health Lead members of staff.