Year 3 2024 - 2025

Mrs Binner

Mrs Binner

Miss Hitchen

Miss Hitchen

Miss Lee

Miss Lee

Miss Cope

Miss Cope

Miss Jones

Miss Jones

Welcome to Year 3

The 2024-2025 team in Y3 are:

Miss S Lee

Miss D Hitchen

Mrs M Binner

Miss Jones

Miss Cope


Welcome to our Year 3 page. This term our topic is The Bronze Age and The Iron Age. The children will learn about many aspects of these periods of time, including how bronze and iron replaced stone and the settlements they lived in. To support our leaning in this to0pic we will be visiting Tatton Park to take part in a Stone Age to Iron Age experience. In English and geography, we will be learning about volcanoes and earthquakes and our writing will be based on these topics. Our science topic this term is plants and the children will be learning about the different parts of plants and what plants need to grow. In RE, the children will be learning about the different aspects of Islam and we will be visiting a mosque as part of this unit of work.

The Year 3 class author this year is Roald Dahl and, currently, class 8 are thoroughly enjoying reading The Twits during story time.


Year 3 team

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Year 3: Calendar items

Academy Photograhers, by Mrs Hills

Class 8 swimming lesson, by Mrs Hills


Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe