Leadership Team Priorities

The Leadership Team, which includes the Governing Board, and school staff are firmly focused on ensuring that pupils at Gainsborough Primary & Nursery School achieve their full potential.  For 2023 - 2024  there are five key priorities that we are working on:


Key Priority 1

Leaders at all levels will ensure that consistent, effective practice  leads to good progress across the curriculum.

Key Priority 2

Ensure that the consistent application of the school's agreed pedagogy and practice leads to high levels of pupil attainment.  

Key Priority 3

Implement new strategies to raise levels of attendance for academic year 2023/24.

Secure pupils' attitudes to education that are positive and demonstrate a commitment to learning; pupils are resilient to setbacks.  

Key Priority 4

Secure pupils' mindset for learning and a set of positive personal traits that informs their motivation and their ability to reflect.

Ensure that the school's values, ethos and curriculum lead to pupils who reflect wisely, learn eagerly, behave with integrity and cooperate consistently.

Key Priority 5

Secure a n EYFS curriculum and pedagogy that meets the needs of all our pupils. They acquire a wide vocabulary and develop a firm knowledge of phonics, building the foundations for future learning, especially in preparation to become confident and fluent readers. 


Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe